Working with an exhibition team headed up by scientist Harshini Mukundan, intern Samantha Gallegos created three animated shorts and web pages for See the Science, an online STEM learning exhibit targeted at 5th grade students. Faculty Advisor: Angela Meron
Computer Speed Explained!
This animation was created by intern Gabriela Smith for the updated Supercomputing exhibit at the Bradbury Science Museum.
Computer processing speed explained!
This video was created by Cultural Technology Intern Gabriella Smith. It was part of the update to the Supercomputing exhibit at the Bradbury Science Museum.
Quantum Computing Explained!
As part of her internship with the Bradbury Science Museum, Cultural Technology intern Gabriella Smith, created a short animation to explain quantum computing.
How to Make a Stop Motion Video, Santa Fe Children’s Museum
As part of her Emergency Cultural Service, Natasha Vasquez created a series of online tutorials for the Santa Fe Children’s Museum. Her videos explained how to make a stop motion animation in three different ways children in several age groups.
How to Make a Stop Motion Animation Background
As part of her Emergency Cultural Service, Natasha Vasquez created a series of online tutorials for the Santa Fe Children’s Museum. Her videos explained how to make a stop motion animation in three different ways children in several age groups.
How to Make a Bee, Santa Fe Children’s Museum
As part of her Emergency Cultural Service, Natasha Vasquez created a series of online tutorials for the Santa Fe Children’s Museum. Her videos explained how to make a stop motion animation in three different ways children in several age groups.
Cafe Y Atole in Spanish
Cafe Y Atole in Spanish is an Animation by Natasha Vasquez– This animation in Spanish highlights the trovo Cafe y Atole. It was created as part of an internship for the Manitos Community Memory Project.
Light Among the Ruins
An interactive game created by Becca Sharp for PICT 2019
A Unity-based game that allows visitors to the Jemez Historic Site the opportunity to light virtual farolitos Continue reading “Light Among the Ruins”
Rael Sala
This 3-D model of the Rael Sala in Questa, NM was created as part of the Manitos Community Memory Project. Continue reading “Rael Sala”